• 2024 - 2025 GRCC Board of Directors Slate Ballot Announced

    2024 - 2025 GRCC Board of Directors Slate Ballot Announced


    Contact Information
    Greater Reston Chamber of Commerce

    May 24, 2024

    The Greater Reston Chamber of Commerce has published its slate ballot for nominees for election to its board of directors for the 2024 - 2025 fiscal year.  Member organizations, in good standing, are encouraged to participate in this election process by submitting their vote for the slate of nominees.  Additional details regarding this process can be found on the official ballot form. 

    Voting members may cast their vote via the following options:

    1) Online at http://www.restonchamber.org/form/view/33246

    2) Download and complete a ballot form.  Ballot form can be found at https://chambermaster.blob.core.windows.net/userfiles/UserFiles/chambers/3120/File/FY-2025-GRCC-Board-Slate.pdf Completed forms must be emailed to communications@restonchamber.org 

    3) In person during the Greater Reston Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors annual meeting on Thursday, June 27, 2024.  For more information about attending the annual meeting, please click here.

    There is a limit of one vote per member organization, using one of the two delivery methods provided.  Additional votes will not be honored.

    The Greater Reston Chamber of Commerce congratulates our 2024 - 2025 director nominees and thank all of our members for their engagement in this important organizational process.  The results of