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Ribbon Cuttings

Experience the perfect kick-off for your business with a Ribbon Cutting, Groundbreaking, or Grand Opening Ceremony - an indispensable component of your comprehensive marketing and advertising strategy. At the Greater Reston Chamber of Commerce, we are here to support you in making your event a resounding success. We are more than happy to offer guidance, resources, and promotional assistance. Embrace the opportunity to showcase your brand, engage with the community, and set the stage for a prosperous future. Partner with us today, and together we can create a memorable, seamless event that will elevate your business to new heights.

NOTE: This is a member-only benefit. Ribbon cutting ceremonies are conducted Monday through Friday during operating hours.

Ribbon Cutting fee: $100

What the Greater Reston Chamber of Commerce can do for you:

  • After receiving your Event Notification Form and confirming the availability of the event date we will:
    • Promote your Ribbon Cutting via:
      • Dedicated web page on the Events Calendar.
      • Monthly and weekly eNewsletters.
      • Social Media - Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
  • Provide guidance on planning and promoting your Ribbon Cutting.
  • Provide contact information for member caterers.
  • Provide ceremonial scissors and purple ribbon for Ribbon Cutting.
  • Provide a plaque as a gift from the Chamber to commemorate your special occasion.

To receive the Ribbon Cutting Form or if you have questions, email

Here's how to determine if this event fits your needs:

  • Members who have opened a new business within the last 12 months.
  • Members who have an existing business in a new location.
  • Members who have recently made beautification or modifications to their existing business.
  • Members in good standing with the Greater Reston Chamber of Commerce.

Ribbon Cutting

Ribbon Cutting

ribbon cutting event

ribbon cutting event

ribbon cutting event


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